Refer a friend


How it works?

• Fill in your own details.

• Fill in the contact details of your friend who you think might be interested in buying our projects. You can add upto 15 referrals at one time.
  (You can disclose if you want your information to be shared on not).

• Once referral is submitted, our sales agents will approach them to sell the plot.

• If they become our customer, you will receive 1% commission of the net property value.

How will you receive payment?

• If your lead is applied, you will receive the commission on net property value within 15 days.

• If you haven’t submitted IBAN number during sign-up, you will be required to submit it later in order to receive commission.

* Tax will be applicable on commission amount as per Income Tax Ordinance Section 233.

Your Details

Friend's Details

Disclose your identity with referred person?
Name Mobile Number Project Disclose

Thanks for referring

Check Referrals by CNIC

SNO Name Mobile Number

Contact Eiwan Private Limited

+92-21-111-134-926 | | Islamic Chamber Of Commerce & Industry, Gate # 2, Block-9, Clifton, Karachi 75600-Pakistan